Detailed Technical Analysis of "Android security checklist: theft of arbitrary files"

The write-up by Oversecured discusses a severe vulnerability in Android applications that allow arbitrary file theft. This analysis explains the vulnerability type, its exploitation, affected components, and mitigation strategies.

Key Technical Details:

  1. Vulnerability Type:
  2. Arbitrary File Read: The core vulnerability discussed stems from improper IPC (Inter-Process Communication) handling, allowing malicious apps to read files outside their designated sandbox. This includes accessing sensitive data from other apps or even the Android OS itself.

  3. Exploitation Mechanism:

  4. Content Providers: Android apps can share data via content providers, abstracting access to various app data. Problems arise when these providers do not correctly restrict access permissions.
  5. Improper URI Handling: Apps can misuse URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) to request data from content providers. Vulnerable apps might fail to validate or sanitize input URIs, potentially exposing sensitive files.
  6. File Path Traversal: By manipulating file paths (e.g., using ../../ sequences), an attacker can traverse the directory structure and access unauthorized files.

Example Code: java public void setFileSrc(Context context, Uri uri) { InputStream in = context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri); // process input stream }

  1. Technical Exploit:
  2. Crafting Malicious URIs: Attackers can craft URIs designed to bypass directory restrictions. These URIs direct the app to read sensitive files.
  3. Bypassing Validation: If the app does not validate the structure of the URI or sanitize it to remove directory traversal sequences, it exposes its files.

  4. Real-World Example:

  5. Example from respective apps shows how relaxed permissions allowed a malicious app to extract a file's contents. These permissions involved systems where apps could inadvertently allow read/write access to sensitive data stored in the device's filesystem.

xml <provider android:authorities="com.example.provider" android:grantUriPermissions="true" android:exported="true"> </provider>

Specific security practices include: xml <provider android:authorities="com.example.provider" android:exported="false"> </provider> And validating URIs in Java code: ```java public void setFileSrc(Context context, Uri uri) throws FileNotFoundException { if (isValidUri(uri)) { InputStream in = context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri); // process input stream } else { throw new SecurityException("Invalid URI"); } }

private boolean isValidUri(Uri uri) { // Implement validation logic return true; } ```

Key Takeaways:


This cyber vulnerability highlights the importance of strong app security practices, especially around handling IPC and file access mechanisms. Developers should remain vigilant, ensuring all data interactions are secure against arbitrary file read vulnerabilities by validating inputs and following secure coding standards.

For more insights and detailed examples, check the original blog post here.