Detailed Technical Analysis of "From Blind XXE to Root-Level File Read Access"

This write-up by explores a sophisticated exploitation chain, starting with a blind XXE (XML External Entity) vulnerability escalating to root-level file read access on a server. It meticulously outlines every step, from identifying the initial vulnerability to leveraging it for deeper system penetration.

Key Technical Details:

  1. Initial Discovery - Blind XXE:
    The author began by identifying a blind XXE vulnerability. Unlike direct XXE attacks, blind XXE does not provide immediate feedback containing the results of the payload execution. Instead, attackers need to infer the outcome based on side-channel information such as response times or out-of-band (OOB) interactions.

  2. XXE Payload Definition: The payload often involves defining an external entity within an XML structure: xml <!DOCTYPE root [ <!ENTITY test SYSTEM "file:///etc/passwd"> ]> <root>&test;</root>

  3. Out-of-Band Data Exfiltration:
    Leveraging OOB techniques, attackers can induce the vulnerable system to send data to an external server they control. A common method involves using HTTP or DNS requests to exfiltrate sensitive files.

  4. Network Interaction for Data Exfiltration: xml <!DOCTYPE root [ <!ENTITY % p1 SYSTEM ""> %p1; ]> <root>&exfil;</root>

  5. The server attempts to fetch an external entity, revealing content in the URL query string.

  6. Escalation to Command Execution:
    As the exploitation progressed, the attacker leveraged more intricate payloads to escalate the attack beyond simple file reads, aiming to execute commands or access higher-privileged files.

  7. Parameter Expansion: Using XML parameter entities creatively to combine parts of file paths or commands that evade initial detection mechanisms.

  8. Gaining Root-Level Access:
    By carefully crafting payloads, the attacker escalated privileges. This comes from exploiting system misconfigurations and inadequate input sanitization.

  9. Sensitive File Read: xml <!DOCTYPE root [ <!ENTITY % file SYSTEM "file:///etc/shadow"> <!ENTITY % dtd SYSTEM ""> %dtd; %file; ]> <root>&send;</root>

  10. Advanced Out-of-Band Exploitation: Combining XXE with other vectors (e.g., SSRF or command injection) to gain access to higher-privileged files or directories.

  11. Demonstrating Impact:
    The write-up highlights accessing /etc/shadow and other critical files, showing the severity of a well-executed XXE attack, especially when the server runs with elevated privileges.

Key Takeaways:

Mitigation Strategies:


The write-up from serves as a potent reminder of the depth and severity that blind XXE vulnerabilities can pose, especially when coupled with out-of-band exploitation techniques and privilege misconfigurations. It underscores the need for proactive security measures, rigorous testing, and comprehensive server hardening techniques to mitigate potential vulnerabilities effectively.

For full details, check the original blog post here.