Detailed Technical Analysis of "GOTCHA! Taking Phishing to a Whole New Level"

The Intigriti blog post discusses an advanced phishing technique that leverages a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create credible and interactive phishing forms that can bypass traditional security controls. The focus of the write-up is on the technical sophistication and innovative approaches used to enhance the effectiveness of phishing campaigns.

Key Technical Details:

  1. Advanced HTML and CSS Techniques:

  2. HTML Structure: The phishing page uses a clean and simplistic HTML structure that mimics a legitimate login form. This helps in creating a realistic user interface that can trick users into trusting the page.

  3. CSS Tricks: Advanced CSS is used to style the phishing form to look exactly like a legitimate login form. Techniques such as custom fonts, color schemes, and layout mimicking are employed to ensure the phishing page is indistinguishable from the genuine page.

  4. JavaScript for Enhanced User Interaction:

  5. Form Interception: JavaScript is leveraged to capture user inputs dynamically. This includes listening for form submissions and sending the data to the attacker's server without the user's knowledge.

  6. Dynamic Content Injection: JavaScript can be used to dynamically inject content into the phishing page, making it more adaptable and personalized based on the victim's interactions. This increases the likelihood of successful phishing.
  7. Obfuscation: The JavaScript code is often obfuscated to evade security scanners and make it harder for defenders to analyze and understand the malicious code.

  8. Redirection Techniques:

  9. Intermediate Redirection: Once the user submits the phishing form, they are typically redirected to the actual login page of the legitimate website. This creates the illusion that the initial failed login attempt was due to a minor issue (such as a wrong password), making the phishing attempt less suspicious.

  10. Seamless Integration: Redirection is carried out in a manner that is seamless and quick, further reducing the chances of the user realizing they have been phished.

  11. Domain and URL Manipulation:

  12. Typosquatting: Attackers often use domain names that are visually similar to legitimate ones. This can include the use of homoglyphs (characters that look alike) or slight misspellings of the original domain.

  13. Subdomain Tricks: Utilizing subdomains to create URLs that appear legitimate at first glance. For example, using which might be mistaken for a subdomain of the real website.

  14. Credential Harvesting:

  15. The blog post explains how credentials captured by the phishing form are sent to the attacker's server. This is typically done using HTTP POST requests.

  16. Data Exfiltration: Once the credentials are obtained, they are often exfiltrated quickly to avoid detection.

  17. Countermeasures and Detection:

  18. User Education: Awareness and education are highlighted as crucial in preventing phishing attacks. Users must be trained to recognize subtle signs of phishing.

  19. Technical Controls: Implementing tighter technical controls such as multi-factor authentication (MFA), domain filtering, and email security solutions to detect and block phishing attempts.
  20. Advanced Monitoring: Continuous monitoring and analyzing network traffic for unusual patterns that might indicate phishing attacks.

Key Takeaways:


The write-up underscores the growing sophistication in phishing techniques, which now employ advanced web technologies to create convincing and effective phishing pages. It emphasizes the necessity for continuous user education and the implementation of robust technical defenses to combat these advanced threats.

For full details, check the original blog post here.