Detailed Technical Analysis of "How I Was Able to Delete Any Image in Facebook Community Question Forum"

Juba Baghdad's write-up explores a critical vulnerability in Facebook's Community Question Forum, which allowed for unauthorized deletion of any user's image through improper API endpoint protection. This analysis dives into the technical specifics of how the endpoint was exploited and the broader implications.

Key Technical Details:

  1. Vulnerability Identification:
  2. Focus on API Endpoints: The author focused on API endpoints handling image deletion within the Facebook Community Question Forum.
  3. CSRF and Insufficient Authorization Checks: It was discovered that the endpoint could be called without proper Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) tokens and lacked sufficient authorization checks to verify the user's permissions.

  4. Endpoint Discovery:

  5. Unsecured Endpoint: The endpoint /community/delete-photo/ was found to be inadequately protected. A valid but unauthorized user could craft a request to this endpoint to delete images.
  6. API Parameters: The crucial parameter was the photo_id indicating which image to delete.

  7. Exploitation Details:

  8. Improper Authorization: The endpoint did not check if the requester had the required permissions to delete the target image. The only required input was a photo_id, which could be sequential or guessed.
  9. CSRF Token Mismanagement: Lack of a proper CSRF token validation allowed the attack to be executed through an XHR request from any origin, effectively bypassing CSRF protection.

  10. Proof of Concept (PoC):

  11. Crafting the Malicious Request: The PoC involved creating a malicious request that mimicked the legitimate API request for image deletion. This included: ```http POST /community/delete-photo/ Host: Content-Length: N Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    photo_id=TARGET_PHOTO_ID ``` - Execution: Sending this request with a valid session token from any account resulted in the deletion of the target image, without any further authentication or authorization checks.

  12. Impact Analysis:

  13. Destructive Potential: The vulnerability allowed attackers to delete any user's image, which could include harmful acts like deleting profile pictures or important photos from user accounts.
  14. Reputation Damage: This could lead to significant trust issues with users, affecting Facebook's reputation and user trust if the issue was widely exploited before being patched.

  15. Mitigation and Response:

  16. Report and Fix: The vulnerability was responsibly reported to Facebook through their bug bounty program. Facebook responded by patching the endpoint to include proper CSRF validation and authorization checks, ensuring only authorized users could delete their own images.
  17. Security Practices Improvement: Implementation of stronger token validation and consistent permission checks across all endpoints handling sensitive actions was highlighted as a necessity.

Key Takeaways:


This write-up on the image deletion vulnerability in Facebook's Community Question Forum underscores the importance of diligent security practices for API management. It shows how overlooking proper validation and authorization processes can lead to serious security flaws, allowing attackers to manipulate services maliciously. The resolution of this issue reinforces the need for continuous security assessments and vigilant monitoring of API endpoints.

For full details, check the original blog post here.