Detailed Technical Analysis of "IDOR That Allowed Me to Takeover Any User's Account"

This write-up by Kanagavelu Sugumar explores an Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR) vulnerability that allowed the security researcher to hijack any user's account on a web application. The analysis explains the discovery process, exploitation, impact, and the subsequent security measures taken by the affected organization.

Key Technical Details:

  1. Vulnerability Discovery:
  2. Understanding Functionality: The researcher started by analyzing the web application's 'reset username' feature, which was intended for account recovery.
  3. Tampering with Requests: During testing, the researcher observed a POST request that was sent to the server containing the user's email as a parameter.
  4. IDOR Identification: By modifying the email parameter with another user's email address, the researcher identified that the server did not perform adequate authorization checks, leading to an insecure direct object reference (IDOR) vulnerability.

  5. Technical Walkthrough of Exploitation:

  6. Initial Request Examination: http POST /reset-username HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/json ... { "email": "[email protected]" }
  7. Parameter Manipulation: The researcher altered the 'email' field to target another user's account: http POST /reset-username HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/json ... { "email": "[email protected]" }
  8. Response Handling: Upon sending the modified request, the server incorrectly processed the request, allowing the attacker to reset the username of the victim's account.

  9. Session Hijacking and Account Takeover:

  10. Token Mismanagement: The server returned a response containing a token meant for account recovery. The token could be used to gain access to the victim's account.
  11. Login with Attacker’s Credentials: The attacker utilized this token to log in, effectively taking over the victim's account. This was demonstrated with the following flow:

    1. Reset the victim’s username.
    2. Receive a token linked to the victim’s account.
    3. Use the token to authenticate as the victim.
  12. Impact and Severity:

  13. Wide Reach: As the vulnerability allowed the takeover of any user's account by simply knowing their email, the potential impact was severe. Any attacker with basic knowledge of another user's email could exploit this flaw.
  14. Critical Data Access: Malicious actors could access sensitive data, change account settings, and potentially escalate privileges further within the application.

  15. Reporting & Resolution:

  16. Responsible Disclosure: The researcher reported the vulnerability responsibly to the affected organization, providing detailed reproduction steps and recommending fixes.
  17. Timely Fixes: The organization responded promptly, acknowledged the severity of the issue, and applied security patches that included:
    • Implementing proper authorization checks to ensure that only legitimate users could reset their usernames.
    • Adding rate limiting and monitoring to detect and mitigate potential abuse.
    • Ensuring tokens were securely managed and invalidated after usage.

Key Takeaways:


This write-up highlights the critical importance of secure coding practices, especially concerning access controls and input validation. The IDOR vulnerability discussed underscores how seemingly minor oversights can lead to significant security breaches, emphasizing the need for rigorous testing and security reviews in the development process.

For full details, refer to the original write-up here.