Detailed Technical Analysis of "Oh, Auth! Abusing OAuth to Take Over Millions of Accounts"

Salt Security’s blog post elaborates on how attackers can exploit OAuth misconfigurations to hijack user accounts on websites or services that rely on OAuth for authentication. The analysis focuses on discovering and leveraging insecure OAuth implementations to gain unauthorized access to user accounts.

Key Technical Details:

  1. OAuth Workflow Overview:
    OAuth is an open standard for access delegation commonly used to grant websites or applications limited access to user information without exposing passwords. The typical OAuth workflow involves:
  2. Authorization Request: The client asks the user to authorize the application to access specific resources.
  3. Authorization Grant: If the user approves, the client receives an authorization code.
  4. Access Token Request: The client exchanges the authorization code for an access token.
  5. Access Token Grant: The authorization server issues the access token, which the client can use to access protected resources.

  6. Potential Vulnerabilities in OAuth:
    Various misconfigurations and design flaws in the OAuth implementation can lead to serious security issues:

  7. Open Redirects: When an OAuth provider uses open redirects, attackers can manipulate the redirect URI to send the authorization code to a malicious server instead of the legitimate client, enabling them to capture the authorization code and authenticate as the victim.

  8. Inadequate Validation of Redirect URIs: If the OAuth provider does not correctly validate the redirect URI, attackers can hijack the authorization code and use it to obtain access tokens, effectively controlling the victim's session.

  9. CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery): Lack of anti-CSRF mechanisms in the OAuth flow can allow attackers to trick users into unknowingly initiating OAuth flows that result in their accounts being bound to attacker-controlled applications.

  10. Implicit Flow Misuse: The implicit flow, designed for public clients such as Single Page Applications (SPAs), issues tokens directly without exchanging authorization codes. It can be exploited if implemented incorrectly, allowing attackers to forge tokens or intercept them via browser vulnerabilities.

  11. Exploiting OAuth Misconfigurations: The blog post delves into a specific exploit scenario where the OAuth implementation flaws were identified:

  12. Discovery Process: Through reconnaissance, researchers identified an OAuth implementation that allowed insecure redirect URIs. By manipulating this URI, they were able to capture the authorization code.

  13. Executing the Attack: The attacker performed the following steps:

    • Initiated an OAuth flow on the target application.
    • Manipulated the redirect URI to point to an attacker-controlled domain.
    • Captured the authorization code sent to the malicious redirect URI.
    • Used the captured code to obtain access tokens from the OAuth provider.
    • Tricked the provider into authenticating the attacker’s session as the victim's account.
  14. Implications: Utilizing these access tokens, attackers could access sensitive information and perform actions on behalf of the victim, effectively taking over their accounts.

  15. Countermeasures and Mitigations:
    To defend against such OAuth-based attacks, the following best practices and recommendations are provided:

  16. Strict Redirect URI Validation: Ensure that the authorization server strictly validates redirect URIs and only allows pre-registered, whitelisted URIs. Parameters should not be allowed in redirect URIs unless necessary and should be validated meticulously.

  17. Use of PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange): For public clients, it is recommended to use PKCE to enhance security during the code exchange process by including a dynamically generated secret.

  18. Anti-CSRF Tokens: Include CSRF tokens in OAuth authorization requests to prevent CSRF attacks. State parameters can also be used to validate the authenticity of the request.

  19. Secure Implicit Flow: Avoid the implicit flow where possible. If necessary, ensure tokens are short-lived and transmitted over secure channels (SSL/TLS).

  20. Monitor and Log OAuth Flows: Implement extensive logging and monitoring of OAuth flows to detect suspicious activity, such as unusual redirect URIs or multiple failed token requests.

Key Takeaways:


The write-up underscores the critical importance of securing OAuth implementations. Misconfigurations can provide attack vectors for taking over user accounts, emphasizing the need for robust security practices, such as URI validation, use of PKCE, and monitoring. Implementing these countermeasures is key to protecting applications that leverage OAuth for authentication and authorization.

For full details, check the original blog post here.