Detailed Technical Analysis of "One Company, 262 Bugs - Responsible Disclosure & Summary"

The write-up describes a penetration testing engagement with a single company by a bug bounty hunter, who successfully identified and reported a staggering 262 vulnerabilities. The document emphasizes various types of security issues found, categorization of bugs, and the methodologies used to unearth them.

Key Technical Details:

  1. Bug Categorization:
  2. Low Severity (43%): Issues that pose minor risks but could expose the system to attacks if combined with other vulnerabilities. Examples include information disclosure and minor security misconfigurations.
  3. Medium Severity (51%): Bugs that increase the attack surface significantly but might require specific conditions to exploit. Examples include reflected XSS, IDOR without sensitive data exposure, and CSRF.
  4. High Severity (6%): Critical flaws that could lead to substantial data breaches or full system compromise. Examples include SQL injection, full path disclosure combined with other exploits, and severe authentication bypasses.

  5. Methodological Approach:

  6. Reconnaissance:
    • Asset Discovery: Employed tools like nmap, amass, and to enumerate subdomains and services.
    • Fingerprints: Recognized platform software versions using techniques like analyzing HTTP Headers and SSL/TLS configurations.
  7. Automated Scanning:
    • Utilized scanners such as Burp Suite and OWASP ZAP to quickly identify low-hanging issues like open ports, known CVEs, and basic misconfigurations.
  8. Manual Inspection:

    • This phase included source code review, logical flaw detection, and manual payload crafting. It’s crucial for catching complex bugs that automated scanners might miss.
  9. Common Vulnerabilities Identified:

  10. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS):
    • Identified via both reflected and stored XSS attacks. The write-up specifically mentions exploiting input fields such as search bars, user profile sections, and comment forms.
  11. Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR):
    • Detected by manipulating parameters in URL requests to access other users' data. Critical for endpoints involving sensitive data or administrative functionalities.
  12. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF):
    • Found on various forms and functionalities where state-changing actions were performed without proper CSRF tokens or anti-CSRF mechanisms.
  13. SQL Injection:
    • Detected using both Boolean-based and time-based blind injection techniques. Targeted input points included login forms and query parameters.
  14. Security Misconfigurations:

    • Issues like directory listing enabled, insufficient CORS policies, improper server configurations, and exposed .git repositories.
  15. Continual Reporting and Remediation:

  16. Structured Disclosure:
    • Bugs were reported in a structured manner, categorized by severity and type. This helped the company prioritize patching based on risk.
  17. Verification Process:
    • After each reported issue was allegedly fixed, verification was done to ensure that patches were effective and didn’t introduce new vulnerabilities.
  18. Collaboration:

    • Maintained an ongoing communication channel with the company’s security team; this facilitated rapid understanding and remediation of issues reported.
  19. Lessons Learned:

  20. Development & Security Interplay:
    • Highlights how integrated security practices in SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) could prevent a significant proportion of the bugs found.
  21. Value of Manual Testing:
    • Emphasizes that while automated tools are beneficial, manual testing is indispensable for uncovering complex logical flaws.
  22. Holistic Security Posture:
    • The sheer number of flaws found underscores the need for a comprehensive security strategy, blending automated and manual testing, constant monitoring, and regular updates.

Key Takeaways:


The write-up serves as an excellent example of the significance of thorough security testing and vigilance. It underscores the variety of potential vulnerabilities present in modern web applications and stresses the importance of both automated and manual approaches to vulnerability detection. The efforts in responsible disclosure and collaboration with the company highlight best practices in security research and remediation.

For full details, refer to the original blog post here.