Detailed Technical Analysis of "Polymorphic Images for XSS"

Doyensec’s blog post titled "Polymorphic Images for XSS" details a novel method of performing Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks by leveraging image files. This analysis explores how scripts can be embedded within image files, survive typical image processing, and ultimately execute in the context of a web page due to improper sanitization.

Key Technical Details:

  1. Concept of Polymorphic Images:
    Polymorphic images are those that retain their functional image properties while embedding hidden executable payloads. These payloads are generally JavaScript code intended to execute in the context of the web application where the image is ultimately rendered.

  2. Methods of Embedding JavaScript in Images:

  3. JPEG Comment Fields: JPEG images allow for the inclusion of comment fields that can store arbitrary text data. This can be exploited to hide JavaScript code.
  4. PNG Ancillary Chunks: PNG images consist of several chunks, including ancillary chunks that are not critical to the image rendering. Attackers can hide scripts within these additional chunks.

  5. Image Processing Libraries: The research emphasizes how common image processing libraries may fail to strip off these payloads during typical image manipulations:

  6. ImageMagick: This library, widely used for processing images in web applications, often retains hidden data in the image files even after transformations like resizing or re-encoding.
  7. Libpng: Similar behavior is observed in libpng, where non-essential chunks containing the payload are not removed by default.

  8. JavaScript Execution via XSS: When a crafted image containing an embedded JavaScript payload is uploaded to a vulnerable web application, it can later cause the script to execute when the image is displayed in a user's browser.

  9. Browser Rendering: The attack is facilitated by browsers attempting to render content inside image tags, or when image data is interpreted as part of a script tag due to improper escaping or sanitization.
  10. Content Security Policy (CSP): A flawed or overly lenient CSP can allow the execution of script payloads embedded within images, especially when inline scripts are not explicitly disallowed.

  11. Real-World Vulnerability: The researchers demonstrated a real-world XSS vulnerability in Google's platform, where an image upload feature allowed scripts hidden in the image to be executed upon rendering, which was rewarded by Google's Vulnerability Reward Program (VRP).

  12. Mitigation Techniques:

  13. Metadata Stripping: One of the primary mitigations is to thoroughly strip metadata and non-essential chunks from image files during processing. Libraries and tools specifically designed for this purpose should be employed.
  14. Input Validation and Sanitization: Beyond typical input validation, developers must consider the integrity of image content and metadata. This includes using tools that sanitize or purify image content to ensure no extraneous data remains.
  15. Content Security Policies: Implementation of strict CSP headers to prevent the execution of inline scripts and reduce the potential attack surface from various content injection attacks.

Key Takeaways:


This research underscores the sophisticated nature of potential XSS vectors through image uploads. Web developers and security professionals must recognize that images are not inherently safe and should be treated with comprehensive sanitization protocols. The attack demonstrated by Doyensec provides a valuable lesson in the complexity of modern web security and the necessity for rigorous, multi-layered defense mechanisms.

For further details, refer to the original blog post here.