Detailed Technical Analysis of "Reversing WordPress CVEs — Baby Steps"

The write-up offers a step-by-step guide on reverse-engineering vulnerabilities in WordPress plugins by examining two specific CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures). This methodological approach provides a foundational understanding for bug hunters and security researchers aiming to pinpoint and exploit such vulnerabilities effectively.

Key Technical Details:

  1. Initial Setup and Prerequisites:
    The author begins by outlining the necessary tools and environment setup required for the analysis, which includes:
  2. WordPress Installation: A local instance of WordPress as a testbed.
  3. Vulnerable Plugins: Known vulnerable plugins corresponding to the CVEs being analyzed.
  4. Tools: Commonly used tools like Burp Suite, WPScan, and a browser with developer tools.

  5. Identifying Vulnerabilities:
    The author focuses on:

  6. CVE-XXXX-YYYY: A Content Injection vulnerability.
  7. CVE-YYYY-ZZZZ: An Arbitrary File Upload vulnerability.

Detailed steps include downloading the vulnerable plugin versions and activating them in the local WordPress environment.

  1. Analyzing Source Code:
    A deep dive into the plugin’s source code to locate the origins of the vulnerabilities:
  2. Content Injection: The vulnerable function allows unsanitized user input into the content, which can lead to injection attacks.
    • The author demonstrates how to manually inspect PHP files within the plugin, looking for functions that deal with content generation or updates.
    • By tracing function calls and user input handling, the author highlights points where the input isn't properly sanitized or validated.
  3. Arbitrary File Upload: The upload feature in the plugin is insufficiently protected, allowing for arbitrary file uploads.

    • A thorough inspection of file handling and upload logic is conducted, identifying lack of authentication checks or MIME type validations.
  4. Exploiting the Vulnerabilities:
    Practical exploitation techniques for the identified vulnerabilities:

  5. Content Injection Exploitation:
    • The author simulates exploiting the vulnerability by crafting a malicious payload, demonstrating how it can manipulate post contents on the website.
    • Burp Suite is used to intercept and modify requests to the WordPress site, showing the ease of exploiting a non-sanitized input.
  6. Arbitrary File Upload Exploitation:

    • The process entails crafting a malicious upload (typically a PHP shell) and using Burp Suite to bypass client-side restrictions.
    • The demonstration includes uploading the shell and accessing it to achieve code execution on the server, emphasizing the critical impact of such vulnerabilities.
  7. Mitigation and Fixes:
    Discusses potential mitigation strategies to secure WordPress installations from similar vulnerabilities:

  8. Content Injection Protection:
    • Ensure all user inputs are properly sanitized using functions like wp_kses(), sanitize_text_field(), and other built-in WordPress sanitization functions.
    • Regular updates and patches for plugins and WordPress core.
  9. File Upload Security:
    • Validate MIME types and restrict allowed file extensions.
    • Implement proper authentication checks to ensure authorized access to upload functionality.
    • Use security plugins that offer hardened file upload mechanisms.

The write-up also emphasizes best practices like following the principle of least privilege, conducting regular security audits, and using security plugins to enforce stronger protection measures.

Key Takeaways:


The write-up serves as an educational and practical guide for those interested in WordPress security. By detailing the process of identifying, analyzing, and exploiting specific CVEs in WordPress plugins, readers gain a deeper understanding of the significance of input validation, secure coding practices, and the use of appropriate security tools.

For full details, check the original article here.