Detailed Technical Analysis of "Smashing the state machine: The true potential of web race conditions"

This article by PortSwigger highlights the feasibility and impact of exploiting web race conditions across various web applications. The focus is on "Smashing the State Machine," where concurrent requests manipulate the state machine of web platforms, leading to potentially severe security vulnerabilities.

Key Technical Details:

  1. Understanding State Machines:
    Web applications frequently rely on state machines to manage user interactions, with specific states and transitions dictated by user actions. The integrity of these state machines is crucial for ensuring the correct sequence of operations.

  2. Race Condition Basics:
    A race condition occurs when two or more processes access and manipulate shared data concurrently and the final outcome depends on the timing of their execution. In web applications, this often involves simultaneous HTTP requests that interfere with one another, leading to unexpected states or behaviors.

  3. State Machine Race Conditions:
    Race conditions in state machines can cause the system to transition into invalid states. This occurs when transitions that should be mutually exclusive are triggered simultaneously. Examples include:

  4. Double Usage of Resources: Simultaneous attempts to use a single-use resource, potentially bypassing quantity restrictions.
  5. Broken Financial Transactions: Concurrent transactions can lead to financial discrepancies or double spending.

  6. Exploitation Techniques:
    Several exploitation techniques are used to create favorable conditions for race conditions:

  7. Parallel Requests: Automating the generation of concurrent HTTP requests using tools like Burp Suite Intruder, curl, or custom scripts.
  8. State Overlap: Manipulating the timing of requests to overlap states that were not intended to coexist.

  9. Critical Examples & Case Studies:
    The write-up presents real-world examples where state machine race conditions have led to significant security bypasses:

  10. Unauthenticated API Endpoints: Certain endpoints, when accessed concurrently, allowed bypassing authorization checks.
  11. Inventory Management: Concurrent purchase requests tricked systems into processing more items than in stock.
  12. Session Hijacking: Multiple simultaneous login attempts compromised session integrity and allowed unauthorized access.

  13. Mitigation Strategies:
    Preventing race conditions involves incorporating robust design principles and thorough testing:

  14. Atomic Operations: Ensure critical operations are performed atomically, where they complete in a single step without interruption.
  15. Lock Mechanisms: Implement locks to control access to resources, ensuring sequential rather than concurrent access.
  16. Idempotent Operations: Design operations that yield the same result regardless of how many times they are executed.
  17. Concurrency Control: Utilize database-level concurrency controls like transaction isolation levels, ensuring proper data integrity.

  18. Tooling & Detection:
    Effective detection and exploitation often require specialized tooling:

  19. Burp Suite: The Intruder tool is useful for sending multiple requests simultaneously.
  20. Race-the-Web: This is a tool specifically designed for identifying and exploiting race conditions in web applications.
  21. Custom Scripts: Python or other scripting languages can be used to automate and precisely time concurrent requests.

Key Takeaways:


The PortSwigger research underscores the importance of understanding and mitigating race conditions in web applications. By highlighting various attack vectors and mitigation techniques, the write-up offers invaluable insights for securing web state machines against concurrent request vulnerabilities.

For full details, check the original article here.