Detailed Technical Analysis of "SQL POST Search Injection on bWAPP"

In this write-up, the author explores an SQL Injection vulnerability found in the bWAPP (buggy web application) platform. A structured methodology is described to identify, exploit, and understand the SQL Injection flaw through a practical example involving a SQL search function.

Key Technical Details:

  1. Environment Setup:
    bWAPP, a deliberately vulnerable web application, provides an environment for testing security concepts. The author uses a local bWAPP instance installed on XAMPP to demonstrate the SQL Injection vulnerability.

  2. Identifying the Vulnerability:
    The author focuses on a search functionality within the bWAPP application (search.php) that takes user input via a POST request. This user input is not sanitized properly before being included in a SQL query, leading to an injection point.

  3. Understanding the Injection Point:
    The vulnerability occurs because the user-supplied input is directly concatenated into an SQL query without proper sanitization or parameterization. For instance:

php $sql = "SELECT * FROM movies WHERE title LIKE '%$search%'";

In this case, if an attacker supplies an input such as %' OR '1'='1, the resulting query becomes:

sql SELECT * FROM movies WHERE title LIKE '%%' OR '1'='1'

This transformed query will always be true, potentially exposing all rows in the movies table.

  1. Exploiting the Vulnerability:
    The author methodically tests several payloads to demonstrate exploitation. Key payload examples include:

  2. Simple Injection: sql %' OR '1'='1 This payload will expand to a query that always evaluates true, causing the database to return all entries.

  3. Extracting Database Information: The author escalates the attack using payloads designed to extract information about the database, such as the current user or database version: sql %' UNION SELECT 1,2,database() -- This payload attempts to union the initial result set with specific database information (current database name).

  4. Mitigation Strategies:
    To defend against such SQL Injection vulnerabilities, the author suggests the following countermeasures:

  5. Parameterized Queries: By using prepared statements and parameterized queries, user input is safely handled: php $stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM movies WHERE title LIKE ?"); $stmt->execute(['%'.$search.'%']);
  6. Input Validation: Validating and escaping user inputs ensures that inputs conform to expected patterns.
  7. Using ORM/Frameworks: Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tools and modern web frameworks typically incorporate protections against these types of vulnerabilities.
  8. Database Permissions: Restrict database user permissions to minimize the impact of a successful injection.

Key Takeaways:


The write-up serves as a practical guide for understanding and exploiting SQL Injection in a controlled environment using bWAPP. It underscores the importance of input sanitization and the adoption of secure coding practices to mitigate SQL Injection risks.

For an in-depth demonstration, review the original post on Medium here.