Detailed Technical Analysis of "Thaddäus Tielsch - Breaking real World applications using OAuth Misconfigurations | DeepSec 2019"

Thaddäus Tielsch’s presentation at DeepSec 2019 dives into the intricacies of OAuth, one of the most widely-used authorization frameworks, and highlights common misconfigurations that can lead to severe vulnerabilities in web applications. The discussion includes practical examples and case studies demonstrating the exploitation of these misconfigurations.

Key Technical Details:

  1. Introduction to OAuth:
  2. OAuth 2.0: A widely-adopted framework for token-based authorization, enabling third-party applications to access resources on behalf of a user.
  3. Roles in OAuth:

    • Resource Owner: The user who owns the data.
    • Resource Server: The server hosting the protected resources (e.g., user data).
    • Client: The application requesting access to the resources.
    • Authorization Server: The server issuing access tokens to the client after authenticating the resource owner.
  4. OAuth Grant Types:

  5. Authorization Code Grant: Involving a client receiving an authorization code, which is then exchanged for an access token.
  6. Implicit Grant: More straightforward, suited for public clients unable to securely store secrets. However, it has higher security risks.
  7. Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant: Users provide their credentials directly to the client, which is highly insecure and generally deprecated.
  8. Client Credentials Grant: Used for server-to-server communication, where no user is directly involved.

  9. Common Misconfigurations Exploited:

  10. Redirect URI Manipulation:
    • Insufficient Validation: Attackers can manipulate the redirect URI to redirect tokens to malicious endpoints. Proper validation and whitelisting of redirect URIs are crucial.
  11. State Parameter Attacks:
    • Missing or Weak State Parameter: The state parameter is meant to prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF). If not implemented properly, attackers can replay or forge OAuth authorization requests.
  12. OAuth Token Leakage:
    • Referrer Leakage: Access tokens might be leaked via the HTTP referrer header to third parties if the authorized endpoint redirects user to an external domain without securing the tokens.
  13. Weak Client Authentication:

    • Client ID Guessing: Predictable or guessable client IDs can be exploited. Clients should use strong, secure methods to authenticate to the authorization server.
  14. Case Studies & Practical Exploits:

  15. Real-World Examples: Tielsch showcased multiple real-world applications where misconfigurations in OAuth flow were exploited to gain unauthorized access to user data.
  16. Token Theft via Implicit Flow: Demonstrating how JWT (JSON Web Token) tokens can be intercepted when improperly handled in implicit flows.
  17. CSRF Exploits in OAuth: Leveraging inadequately protected state parameters to carry out CSRF attacks and hijack OAuth sessions.

  18. Mitigation Strategies:

  19. Secure Redirect URIs: Enforce strict validation of redirect URIs, employing whitelists and avoiding dynamic manipulation based on user inputs.
  20. Use PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange): Especially crucial for public clients, PKCE enhances security in authorization code flows by adding a layer of verification.
  21. Strong State Parameter Implementation: Generate cryptographically strong state parameters to bind the client and the authorization request securely.
  22. Token Storage and Transmission: Ensure tokens are transmitted via secure channels (HTTPS) and are stored using secure methods (e.g., secure cookies with HTTPOnly and Secure flags).
  23. Monitor and Audit OAuth Flows: Regular audits and monitoring of OAuth flows can help detect and mitigate potential abuses or configuration weaknesses.

Key Takeaways:


Thaddäus Tielsch’s presentation effectively highlights the nuanced challenges in securely implementing OAuth 2.0. The insights shared underscore the importance of rigorous validation and follow-up on secure practices to avoid the common pitfalls that lead to severe vulnerabilities in modern web applications.

For further details, check out the original presentation on YouTube.