Technical Analysis of "A Deep Dive into AWS S3 Access Controls: Taking Full Control Over Your Assets"

Detectify's analysis centers around AWS S3 bucket misconfigurations and how improper access control settings can lead to vulnerabilities. The blog provides comprehensive insights into the nuances of S3 access control mechanisms and their potential risks if not correctly implemented.

Key Technical Details:

  1. S3 Access Control Mechanisms:
    AWS S3 provides several ways to manage access:

  2. Bucket Policies: JSON-based policies directly attached to S3 buckets, defining what actions are allowed for different principals.

  3. ACLs (Access Control Lists): These are legacy access controls that define permissions at both the bucket and object level.
  4. IAM Policies: Managed centrally via AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), these policies can dictate permissions at a granulated level across AWS services.
  5. Pre-Signed URLs: Temporary URLs with embedded permissions, typically used for granting temporary access to private objects.

  6. Analyzing Publicly Accessible Buckets:
    Detectify identifies two primary types of public access that can lead to security issues:

  7. Listable Buckets: Buckets where anyone can list the contents. This can expose metadata about object names and structure.

  8. Readable/Writable Buckets: Buckets where anyone can read or write objects, leading to data exfiltration or injection of malicious data.

  9. Policy Examples and Risks:
    The writeup provides concrete examples of S3 bucket policies that demonstrate both secure and insecure configurations.

  10. Insecure Example: json { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "PublicReadGetObject", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": "*", "Action": "s3:GetObject", "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::example-bucket/*" } ] } This policy publicly allows anyone to read any object in example-bucket, potentially leaking sensitive information.

  11. Least Privilege Principle: The blog stresses adhering to the least privilege principle, ensuring that only necessary permissions are granted to users or services. Overly permissive policies are a common pitfall.

  12. Detecting and Mitigating Misconfigurations:
    The author recommends using various tools and techniques to audit S3 permissions:

  13. AWS Trusted Advisor and Config: These services help monitor and flag publicly accessible buckets.

  14. Third-Party Tools: Tools like Bucket Finder can be employed to identify potentially misconfigured and publicly accessible buckets.

  15. Takeover Scenarios:
    Detailed scenarios demonstrate how attackers can exploit bucket misconfigurations:

  16. Bucket Takeover via Suspension: If a bucket's original domain is deleted and the bucket name becomes available, an attacker can take over the name and control the bucket.

  17. Data Injection Attacks: Public writable buckets can let attackers inject malicious files or overwrite existing ones, possibly leading to further exploitation if these objects are trusted by applications.

  18. Remediation Steps:
    To secure S3 buckets, the following steps are suggested:

  19. Regular Audits: Continuously review and audit bucket policies and IAM permissions.

  20. Use Bucket Policy Checkers: Use AWS policy checkers and access analyzers to identify overly permissive access.
  21. Grant Minimal Public Access: Restrict public access as much as possible, and prefer using signed URLs for temporary access needs.
  22. Enable Logging: Enable S3 bucket logging and AWS CloudTrail to track access patterns and detect anomalies.

Key Takeaways:


Detectify's deep dive into AWS S3 access control underscores the importance of meticulous configuration and regular auditing to secure S3 buckets. Misconfigurations can lead to data breaches, service disruptions, and other security incidents. By following best practices and leveraging the right tools, organizations can significantly reduce the risk associated with S3 bucket misconfigurations.

For full details, refer to the original blog post here.