Technical Analysis of "Account Takeover via CSRF"

In this write-up, the researcher "imjitendra" outlines a methodology for achieving an account takeover via a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability. The detailed steps and proof of concept (PoC) demonstrate how a lack of CSRF protections can be exploited to effectively hijack user accounts.

Key Technical Details:

  1. CSRF Vulnerability Identification:
    The researcher identifies an inadequate CSRF protection mechanism in a web application. CSRF attacks involve unauthorized commands being sent from a user that the web application trusts. The absence of CSRF tokens in critical requests allows attackers to craft malicious requests that are unintentionally transmitted by authenticated users.

  2. Targeting Critical Actions:
    The researcher focuses on a crucial endpoint, typically found in account management functionalities where sensitive changes are made (e.g., changing passwords, updating email addresses). In this case, the vulnerability was discovered in the email update functionality.

    • Weak endpoint (/update-email): This endpoint does not incorporate proper CSRF tokens in its POST request, meaning that any authenticated user can unknowingly change their registered email when visiting a malicious site or clicking a crafted link.
  3. Crafting the Malicious Request:
    To exploit this vulnerability:

  4. Malicious Webpage Creation: The attacker hosts a malicious webpage containing a hidden form that auto-submits when the page is visited. The form targets the vulnerable endpoint and contains the attacker's email address.

  5. Auto-Submission: html <html> <body> <form action="" method="POST" id="csrfForm"> <input type="hidden" name="email" value="[email protected]"> </form> <script> document.getElementById('csrfForm').submit(); </script> </body> </html>

  6. Proof of Concept Execution:
    The attacker sends a link to targeted users, encouraging them to visit a benign-looking website. Upon visiting, the hidden form gets auto-submitted, thereby changing the email address associated with the user's account.

  7. Session Context: The exploit works because the user's session cookie is automatically sent with the POST request. The application misinterprets this as a legitimate request to change the email address.

  8. Impact and Consequences:
    With control over the user's email address, the attacker can initiate a password reset, gaining complete control over the account. This level of account takeover can lead to severe consequences, especially if the compromised account has sensitive data or administrative privileges.

Key Takeaways and Mitigations:

  1. CSRF Protections:
  2. CSRF Tokens: Implement CSRF tokens uniquely generated per user session and embedded in all state-changing forms or requests to ensure that forms cannot be submitted by third-party sites.
  3. SameSite Cookies: Employ the SameSite attribute in session cookies to prevent cookies from being sent with cross-site requests.

  4. Validation Mechanisms:

  5. Referrer or Origin Header Validation: Validate the Origin or Referer headers to ensure that state-changing requests originate from allowed domains.

  6. User Education & Precaution:

  7. Avoid Phishing/Social Engineering: Educate users about the dangers of phishing links and ensure they recognize the signs of social engineering attempts.
  8. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enforce or encourage 2FA to prevent unauthorized access even if an account’s primary credentials are compromised.

  9. Security Audits and Bug Bounties:

  10. Regular Penetration Testing: Conduct regular security reviews and penetration testing to uncover similar vulnerabilities.
  11. Bug Bounty Program: Incentivize security researchers to responsibly disclose vulnerabilities through a structured bug bounty program.


The write-up demonstrates a significant security lapse in CSRF protection for sensitive operations on web applications. Through meticulously detailing the discovery, exploitation, and PoC, the research provides a powerful reminder of the necessity for comprehensive security practices in web application development.

For a detailed read, visit the original write-up here.