Technical Analysis of "An Exciting Journey to Find SSRF Bypass Cloudflare and Extract AWS Metadata"

This write-up by Zenofex details a sophisticated Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) attack that bypasses Cloudflare’s protections to access AWS metadata from a vulnerable endpoint. The write-up walks through the discovery process, exploiting SSRF, and evading Cloudflare's security measures to extract sensitive Amazon Web Services (AWS) metadata.

Key Technical Details:

  1. Understanding SSRF Vulnerability:
    SSRF vulnerabilities occur when an application fetches a remote resource based on user-supplied input, leading to server-side code executing arbitrary URLs. In this context, the goal was to leverage an SSRF vulnerability to access the AWS metadata service, typically located at

  2. Initial Discovery:

  3. Vulnerable Endpoint: Zenofex identified a potential SSRF vulnerability by analyzing how the target application processed URL input.
  4. Initial Tests: They verified SSRF by sending various payloads and examining the application's responses, affirming the existence of SSRF through the accessibility of external and internal IPs.

  5. Bypassing Cloudflare:

  6. Cloudflare Protections: Cloudflare’s security mechanisms typically block internal IP ranges and filter potentially harmful requests to mitigate SSRF.
  7. Payload Crafting: Zenofex crafted payloads designed to navigate Cloudflare's restrictions. This involved encoding techniques and redirect chains to mask the true intent of the requests.

  8. Accessing AWS Metadata:

  9. Metadata Service Endpoint: The primary target for SSRF was the AWS metadata service located at
  10. Payload Execution: By crafting a series of encoded URLs and redirects, Zenofex successfully evaded Cloudflare’s filters and accessed the metadata service endpoint.
  11. Data Extraction: Continued exploitation facilitated the extraction of sensitive metadata, including IAM roles and instance details, leading to potential full system compromise.

  12. Technical Challenges and Solutions:

  13. Filtering Bypass: One of the writeup’s core challenges was bypassing Cloudflare’s sophisticated filtering mechanisms. Zenofex used URL obfuscation techniques such as URL encoding multiple times, using IP variations (decimal, octal), and leveraging intermediary redirection services.
  14. Redirection Handling: To circumvent direct access blocks, they utilized open redirect vulnerabilities and proxy services to relay requests in a manner that would bypass Cloudflare’s scrutiny.

  15. Potential Implications:

  16. Widespread Impact: Given the ubiquitous nature of Cloudflare and AWS in modern web applications, the technique used in this write-up showcases a potential risk for many web services relying solely on Cloudflare for SSRF mitigation.
  17. Sensitive Information Exposure: Access to AWS metadata can reveal critical information, such as instance identity, IAM roles, and temporary credentials, posing a severe security risk.

Key Takeaways:



The write-up by Zenofex effectively demonstrates the persistence needed to exploit SSRF vulnerabilities by bypassing Cloudflare’s defenses and extracting AWS metadata. This research reinforces the necessity for comprehensive security strategies that go beyond relying on third-party protections and emphasize secure coding practices and robust application security architectures.

For full details, refer to the original write-up here.