Technical Analysis of "Free Blockchain Storage Bug in Substrate"

Overview: Mudit Gupta's write-up discusses a critical bug found in Substrate, an open-source framework for building blockchains. The bug allows unauthorized users to store data on the blockchain for free, bypassing the protocol's economics designed to regulate storage usage and ensure fair resource distribution.

Key Technical Details:

  1. Substrate Overview:

    • Framework: Substrate is a framework designed to facilitate the creation of decentralized blockchains. It includes a set of libraries and tools to manage consensus algorithms, network protocols, and storage.
    • Economic Model: Like many blockchain systems, Substrate incorporates an economic model where users must pay fees proportional to their resource usage, including storage.
  2. Function FreeStorage::insert():

    • Purpose: This function is designed to allow particular accounts to insert data into the blockchain storage for free.
    • Intended Use: This could be useful for developer accounts during testing or specific contracts or authorities given special privileges.
    • Implementation: rust pub fn insert(k: T::Hash, v: Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), &'static str> { <Storage<T>>::insert(&k, &v); Ok(()) }
    • Lack of checks: The function does not validate whether the caller has the necessary special privileges, allowing any user to call this function and store data without fees. This oversight means any user could store arbitrary data on the blockchain without costs.
  3. Potential Impact:

    • Economic Disruption: The bug undermines the economic principles designed to manage and limit resource usage, leading to potential spam attacks or excessive storage being used without proportional costs being incurred.
    • Network Degradation: Unrestricted storage could affect the performance of the network, increasing storage requirements for all nodes and possibly leading to a bloated blockchain.
    • Security: This bug could be exploited as a Denial of Service (DoS) attack, where an attacker fills the blockchain with unnecessary data, disrupting normal operations.
  4. Exploit Description:

    • Exploitation Steps: An attacker can use the unprotected function to continually store large amounts of data: rust fn exploit() { for i in 0..10000 { let key = BlakeTwo256::hash(&i.encode()); let value = vec![0u8; 1024]; // 1 KB of data FreeStorage::insert(key, value).unwrap(); } }
    • Result: This code block stores 10 MB of data for free using the FreeStorage::insert() function.
  5. Patch and Preventive Measures:

    • Adding Privilege Checks: The function should check if the caller has the necessary privileges before allowing free storage insertion. rust pub fn insert(origin: T::Origin, k: T::Hash, v: Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), &'static str> { let who = ensure_signed(origin)?; ensure!(<AllowedAccounts<T>>::contains_key(&who), "Unauthorized account"); <Storage<T>>::insert(&k, &v); Ok(()) }
    • Auditing Code: Regular audits and peer reviews of the critical parts of the blockchain codebase should be performed to identify and patch such issues before they can be exploited.
    • Automated Testing: Introducing automated tests that simulate storage transactions can help in detecting unusual storage patterns and unauthorized usage of functions.

Key Takeaways:


Mudit Gupta’s discovery highlights a vital aspect of blockchain security concerning permission management. The bug in Substrate’s storage system allows unauthorized free storage, which could lead to severe economic and operational impacts on the blockchain network. This vulnerability underscores the necessity for rigorous privilege checks and continuous security practices to mitigate similar issues.

For more detailed insights, read the full blog post here.