Technical Analysis of HackerOne Report #499348: GitHub Security Advisory - Unauthorized Private Repository Access

Overview: The HackerOne report #499348 details a vulnerability concerning unauthorized access to private repositories on GitHub. The vulnerability was significant enough to potentially expose confidential code and sensitive information stored in private repositories, compromising user privacy and security.

Key Technical Details:

  1. Vulnerability Discovery:

    • The researcher identified that changing the scope parameter during OAuth app authorization allowed unauthorized access to private repositories.
    • The scope parameter in OAuth determines the extent of access privileges granted to the authorized application.
  2. OAuth Scope Manipulation:

    • The OAuth framework uses scopes to limit an application's access to a user's account. For instance, the repo scope provides access to public and private repositories.
    • By manipulating this scope parameter, the researcher was able to elevate privilege potentially exposing private repositories' contents without appropriate authorization.

    json { "scope": "repo" }

  3. Exploit Description:

    • The attacker initiates the OAuth flow and employees a client already authorized with repo scope.
    • During authorization, they modify the OAuth request to use a lesser scope, which should not grant access to private repositories.
    • However, due to a flaw, GitHub grants the broader scope (repo) access, bypassing proper authorization checks.
  4. Impact:

    • Unauthorized private repository access means any data within these repositories, including sensitive code, configuration files, and even credentials, could be compromised.
    • Such access could be leveraged for further attacks, including code injection, data breaches, or orchestrating other vulnerabilities inadvertently exposed within the private repositories.
  5. GitHub’s Response:

    • GitHub corroborated the vulnerability and swiftly mitigated the reported issue. They fixed the flaw to appropriately handle and restrict the scope during OAuth authorization.
    • They rewarded the researcher with $12,500 for their contribution to improving GitHub's security posture.

Key Takeaways:


The vulnerability report by the researcher underscored a critical gap in GitHub's OAuth scope handling process, which could have led to widespread unauthorized access to private repositories. GitHub's timely resolution and the significant bounty reward highlight the value placed on securing their platform and the critical role of external security researchers in identifying and mitigating such vulnerabilities.

For full details, review the original HackerOne report here.