Technical Analysis of "Hacking JasperReports - the hidden shell feature"

Overview: Foxglove Security's write-up reveals a critical vulnerability in JasperReports that allows attackers to gain shell access through a hidden feature. The post provides a comprehensive walkthrough of identifying, exploiting, and mitigating this security flaw.

Key Technical Details:

  1. Vulnerability Discovery:

    • JasperReports Server: JasperReports is a popular open-source reporting tool integrated into various enterprise platforms for creating, distributing, and accessing reports.
    • Hidden Shell Feature: The team discovered that JasperReports contains a hidden feature enabling scripted commands to be executed, potentially offering remote code execution (RCE).
  2. Technical Analysis:

    • Report Execution Engine: JasperReports essentially processes 'Jasper' report files, which can include complex data formatting and handling instructions.
    • Scriptlet Inclusion: JasperReports allows the use of custom Java code embedded in reports (via scriptlets). This can execute arbitrary code during report generation.

    ```java <scriptlet> <![CDATA[ import java.util.; import;

        public class MaliciousScriptlet extends JRDefaultScriptlet {
            public void afterReportInit() {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {

    </scriptlet> ```

  3. Proof of Concept (PoC):

    • The researchers showcased a PoC where a malicious JasperReport (JRXML) file containing the Runtime.getRuntime().exec() method could execute arbitrary shell commands when the report is processed by the server. This effectively gives the attacker remote access to the system.
  4. Vulnerability Exploitation:

    • Uploading the Malicious Report: The attacker needs authenticated access to upload the malicious report file.
    • Report Execution: Once the report is uploaded, initiating the report generation process triggers the embedded Java payload.
  5. Security Implications:

    • Remote Code Execution (RCE): Leveraging the scriptlet functionality for code execution means that any system running JasperReports and allowing report upload and execution, without proper validation, is vulnerable.
    • Elevated Privileges: Depending on the privileges of the JasperReports process, the code execution could potentially offer extensive access to the underlying system.
  6. Mitigation:

    • Disable Scriptlets: Administrators should disable the usage of custom scriptlets in JasperReports where not explicitly needed.
    • Input Sanitization & Validation: Ensure strict validation checks on uploaded files, especially those potentially containing executable code.
    • Least Privilege Principle: Run the JasperReports service with the least privileges necessary to mitigate the impact if an attack does occur.
    • Regular Updates: Ensure that JasperReports and the underlying server infrastructure are regularly updated to incorporate the latest security patches.

Key Takeaways:


Foxglove Security's post on hacking JasperReports underscores the importance of secure coding practices and robust validation mechanisms. The discovery of this hidden shell feature exemplifies how embedded scripting functionalities, if not properly managed, can be exploited to gain significant control over a server. Thus, system administrators and developers are urged to take appropriate security measures to mitigate such risks.

For full details, check the original blog post here.