Technical Analysis of "MOVEit Transfer Exploit Explained"

Assetnote's blog post dissects a critical vulnerability in the MOVEit Transfer software, which was widely exploited in June 2023. The analysis is centered around authenticated deserialization of untrusted data and SQL injection, discussing how an insecure use of XStream led to a chain of exploits, culminating in arbitrary code execution and data exfiltration.

Key Technical Details:

  1. Background on XStream & MOVEit Transfer:
  2. XStream Library: XStream is an open-source library used for serializing Java objects to XML and deserializing XML back to Java objects. While highly convenient, this library can be dangerous if it deserializes data from untrusted sources due to its ability to instantiate arbitrary classes and execute code during the process.
  3. MOVEit Transfer: This is a file transfer automation product by Progress Software used widely in various sectors. The vulnerability originated from improper input validation in the software's codebase.

  4. Vulnerability Points:

  5. Deserialization of Untrusted Data: The software allowed authenticated users to pass arbitrary data to XStream, which deserializes this data into Java objects. This action bridges to remote code execution if the data is crafted correctly.
  6. SQL Injection Vulnerability: Additionally, weaknesses in SQL query handling were used to gain further control and elevate privileges within the server.

  7. Technical Breakdown:

  8. Initial Vector: The point of entry was a specific HTTP endpoint that permitted authenticated users to upload specially crafted XML payloads. Upon receiving this payload, the server side XStream instance deserialized it without adequate checks.
  9. Payload Crafting:

    • Gadgets: The attack utilized known XStream gadgets, which are predefined classes that carry out specific functions during the deserialization process. These gadgets include classes that can execute arbitrary commands via native methods such as ProcessBuilder.
    • Chaining Gadgets: Capitalizing on insecure configurations, attackers crafted a chain of object references within the XML payload. When parsed, these objects invoked internal methods that led to command execution.
  10. Achieving Remote Code Execution: The crafted payload eventually allowed the execution of commands on the underlying OS, thereby achieving remote code execution (RCE). This step potentially enabled exfiltration of sensitive data stored or processed by the MOVEit Transfer instance.

  11. SQL Injection Attack:

  12. (\textbf{Identification}): Through linear probing of vulnerable endpoints, attackers pinpointed mechanisms where SQL queries were created by concatenating user inputs directly into query strings.
  13. Exploitation: By injecting malicious SQL code within these inputs, attackers could gain unauthorized access to database objects, manipulate data, or extract sensitive information.

  14. Combined Attack Chain:

  15. (\textbf{Credential Elevation}): The SQL injection served as a pivot point by allowing attackers to escalate privileges or extract administrative credentials.
  16. Data Exfiltration and Impact: The combination of elevated privileges and RCE meant that attackers could not only control the application environment but also access and export comprehensive datasets, central to MOVEit Transfer’s purpose of secure data handling.

Mitigation and Takeaways:

  1. Prevent Deserialization of Untrusted Data:
  2. Sanitize Inputs: Always ensure that data inputs, especially from authenticated yet potentially untrusted sources, are thoroughly sanitized before processing.
  3. Use Secure Libraries: Replace or update libraries prone to exploitation such as XStream with more secure alternatives or configurations.

  4. Parameterize SQL Queries:

  5. Use ORM: Implement Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tools that handle query parameters automatically, avoiding the pitfalls of direct query concatenation.
  6. Prepared Statements: Adopt prepared statements for all database interactions to dynamically bind the input variables instead of embedding them directly in SQL queries.

  7. Layered Security:

  8. Least Privilege Principle: Enforce the least privilege principle across application components to limit exposure and potential impact.
  9. Comprehensive Monitoring: Integrate robust monitoring and alert systems to detect suspicious activities early and initiate incident response protocols effectively.


The exploitation of MOVEit Transfer underscores critical lessons about the dangers of deserialization of untrusted data and insecure SQL query handling. Organizations must prioritize secure coding practices, periodically review their dependencies for potential vulnerabilities, and adopt a defense-in-depth strategy to shield against such multifaceted attack vectors.

For an in-depth exploration, you can read the full write-up here.