Technical Analysis of "Server Side Request Forgery SSRF Port issue hidden approach"

This write-up from w_hat_boy details an advanced SSRF (Server-Side Request Forgery) vulnerability focused on enumerating open ports of a server behind a firewall or otherwise protected network setup. SSRF typically allows an attacker to make requests from the server to internal services or accessible remote services. This write-up explores how leveraging a specific response behavior can help in mapping internal network services.

Key Technical Details:

  1. SSRF Basics:
    SSRF vulnerabilities emerge when an attacker can trick the server into making arbitrary requests (such as HTTP or other protocols) to any resource, potentially internal services that are otherwise unreachable from the external network.

  2. Port Scanning via SSRF:
    The root technique described in the write-up revolves around using SSRF to perform port scanning on a range of ports in the internal network. Typically, this is achieved by:

  3. Using the SSRF vulnerability to send requests to internal IP addresses and varying the port number.

  4. By observing the response behavior or time taken to respond, one can infer whether a port is open or closed. Open ports might respond more quickly or return specific error messages indicative of an active service.

  5. Detecting Open Ports:
    The author demonstrates how different responses or error codes can illuminate the status of a port:

    • A successful response or characteristic error message (like a 200 OK, 403 Forbidden, or application-specific response) might suggest the port is open and a service is running.
    • Failure responses or connection timeouts (such as 404 Not Found or connection refused errors) likely indicate that the port is closed or filtered.
  6. Hidden Techniques for Port Scanning: The author details an approach for leveraging DNS-based error messages to infer open ports. In some cases, error messages are not immediately evident but can still be used to determine the port's status with careful analysis:

  7. Content-Length Discrepancies: The differences in Content-Length in HTTP response headers can guide an attacker in determining service responses from open ports versus closed ports.

  8. DNS Resolution Manipulations: In sophisticated scenarios, manipulating DNS requests to elicit different responses based on the success or failure of the connection can provide a stealthy way to perform port enumeration.

  9. Challenges with Detection: Hidden techniques as described can get past traditional monitoring and alert systems, as they exploit subtle nuances in response behavior rather than outright anomalies. Continuous and varied response monitoring is essential to detect these hidden SSRF exploitations.

  10. Mitigating SSRF Vulnerabilities: The write-up underscores the need for robust defenses against SSRF attacks:

  11. Input Validation and Sanitization: Strictly validating and sanitizing user inputs that can control destination URLs is critical. Only allowing requests to known, safe endpoints and avoiding dynamic URL constructions can reduce risk.

  12. Network Segmentation and Firewalls: Ensuring internal services are well-protected and segregated from externally facing services minimizes exposure. Network-level access controls should be in place to limit which internal services the application can contact.
  13. Application-Level Protections: Employing allow-lists for outbound requests and using web application firewalls (WAF) with SSRF detection capabilities. Additionally, scrutinizing error messages and responses can prevent useful information leakage to attackers.

Key Takeaways:


This analysis of w_hat_boy's write-up illuminates how advanced techniques in SSRF can uncover internal network details and services, underscoring the importance of meticulous web application defense strategies. Port scanning via SSRF is a potent method in an attacker’s arsenal, demanding robust protections and vigilant monitoring to mitigate such risks.

For the full details, refer to the original write-up here.