Technical Analysis of "SQL GET/Search Injection Exploitation on bWAPP"

This write-up by CRK2500 demonstrates the exploitation of a SQL Injection vulnerability in the "GET/search" functionality within the bWAPP (a deliberate vulnerable web application). The focus is on practical exploitation, understanding the underlying mechanisms, and the step-by-step approach to compromise the system.

Key Technical Details:

  1. bWAPP Setup:
    bWAPP is an insecure web application designed for testing security skills and tools. It provides multiple challenges, including SQL injection (SQLi) vulnerabilities. The scenario in the write-up involves exploiting SQLi through the GET method in the search functionality.

  2. Identifying the Vulnerability:
    The target is the search field on the website, which appends user input directly to the SQL query without sanitization.

  3. Initial Discovery: Using basic payloads such as ' OR 1=1 -- or admin' --, an attacker can cause the backend to alter the SQL query logic.

  4. Example of Vulnerable Query (pseudo-code): sql SELECT * FROM products WHERE name = '<user_input>';

  5. Exploiting the Vulnerability:
    The author walks through various payloads to demonstrate the extent of the exploitation:

  6. Extracting Data: sql ' UNION SELECT null, table_name FROM information_schema.tables -- This payload manipulates the original query to return table names from the database.

  7. Dumping User Data: sql ' UNION SELECT user_id, user_password FROM users -- Here, the attacker retrieves sensitive information from the users table by unionizing a fake result set with sensitive data.

  8. Using Tools:

  9. sqlmap: The author emphasizes the use of sqlmap, an automated tool for detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws.

    • Example Command: bash sqlmap -u "http://target/bWAPP/sqli_1.php?title=A" --dbs This command targets the vulnerable parameter and enumerates the available databases.
    • Automated Exploitation: Further commands illustrate how sqlmap can automate the retrieval of table contents, dump specific tables, and even extract metadata such as database versions and user privileges.
  10. Understanding SQL Injection Types:
    The write-up categorizes injection techniques:

  11. Boolean-based Blind: Crafting payloads to retrieve data based on true/false evaluations.
  12. Error-based: Leveraging database error messages to harvest information.
  13. Union-based: Using UNION to combine the result of a malicious query with the result of the original one.
  14. Time-based Blind: Inferring data by causing time delays in the database operations.

Key Takeaways:

Mitigation Strategies:

  1. Input Validation: Always validate and sanitize inputs from clients to ensure they conform to expected formats before they interact with the database.
  2. Use of ORMs: Object-Relational Mappers (ORMs) can abstract and mitigate many direct SQLi risks by providing safe query-building methods.
  3. Web Application Firewalls (WAF): Deploying a WAF can help detect and block SQL injection attempts in real-time by inspecting incoming traffic.
  4. Continuous Education: Security awareness and training for developers to understand the implications of SQLi and the importance of secure coding practices.


By detailing the step-by-step approach to exploiting SQLi in bWAPP, the write-up underscores the critical nature of input sanitation and the utility of employing automated tools for vulnerability detection. The practical insights provided serve as a valuable guide for both beginners and seasoned security professionals to understand and prevent SQL injection attacks.

For the full write-up, please refer to the original article on Medium: SQL GET/Search Injection Exploitation on bWAPP.