Technical Analysis of "Tale of a Wormable Twitter XSS"

Virtue Security's write-up discusses the discovery and exploitation of a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Twitter, which had the potential to become a wormable exploit, spreading automatically between user accounts. The vulnerability was found in Twitter's embedded tweet feature, specifically the data-tweet-id attribute.

Key Technical Details:

  1. Discovery of the XSS Vulnerability:
    The XSS vulnerability was discovered in Twitter’s embedded tweet feature. The embedded tweet HTML code includes an attribute: data-tweet-id. The researcher found that the content of this attribute was improperly sanitized and directly injected into the webpage.

  2. Initial Finding: By manipulating the data-tweet-id value, it was possible to break out of the intended context and inject a script. The payload used simple HTML entities and event handlers to execute JavaScript within the context of Twitter's domain.

  3. Payload Example: html <div data-tweet-id="1234567890" data-src="/#/ <img src=x onerror=alert(1);>"> Upon insertion of this payload, the onerror event handler of the dummy image (src=x) gets triggered, leading to the execution of the injected JavaScript code.

  4. Exploitation Mechanism:
    The payload mechanism was simple but effective, leveraging basic HTML and JavaScript to achieve XSS. By injecting the payload into the data-tweet-id field, the malicious script would execute whenever a user views the embedded tweet.

  5. Breaking the Context: The critical point in this attack is breaking the intended context through malformed HTML attributes, which subsequently leads to script execution.

  6. Event Handling for Execution: Using image loading errors with the onerror attribute is a common technique to ensure the injected JavaScript is executed once the HTML is parsed.

  7. Potential for Wormability:
    The write-up also explores how this vulnerability could have been escalated to a self-replicating or wormable XSS attack. This scenario would involve the injected script fetching the user's credentials or a session token and using it to post another tweet containing the same malicious payload.

  8. Automation Script: A script could be designed to:

    1. Steal the user credentials/token.
    2. Use the stolen credentials to tweet a new embedded widget containing the same payload.
    3. Ensure that every user who views the tweet automatically tweets the same payload, creating a rapid spread across the platform.
  9. Example of Automation Payload: javascript <script> // Payload script to steal credentials and propagate the attack fetch('/account/verify_credentials.json') .then(resp => resp.json()) .then(data => { // Use stolen credentials to post the malicious tweet fetch('/statuses/update.json', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ status: '<div data-tweet-id="1234567890" data-src="/#/ <img src=x onerror=alert(1);>">' }) }); }); </script>

  10. Security Implications:

  11. Platform-wide Impact: A wormable XSS in a widely used platform like Twitter could have catastrophic effects, as it could spread rapidly among users, compromising accounts and potentially leaking sensitive information.
  12. User Trust and Safety: Such vulnerabilities undermine user trust in the platform, highlighting the importance of robust input sanitization and proper context handling in web applications.

  13. Mitigation and Response:

  14. Sanitization Fixes: Twitter quickly mitigated the vulnerability by implementing proper sanitization of user input and ensuring that any HTML attributes are correctly encoded.
  15. Responsible Disclosure: The vulnerability was responsibly disclosed, allowing Twitter to patch the issue before it was exploited in the wild.

Key Takeaways:


This write-up underscores the potential severity of XSS vulnerabilities in high-traffic applications. Proper input validation, contextual escaping, and swift patching are vital practices for maintaining robust web security. The potential for a wormable XSS on a platform like Twitter illustrates the need for vigilance and responsible security practices.

For full details, check the original blog post here.