Technical Analysis of "Top 25 Denial-of-Service (DoS) Bug Bounty Reports"

This Medium article aggregates and summarizes 25 notable Denial-of-Service (DoS) vulnerabilities reported through various bug bounty programs. It spans multiple platforms and services, illustrating the wide range of techniques attackers use to exhaust resources and disrupt services.

Key Technical Details:

  1. Buffer Overflow and Memory Exhaustion:
  2. Technique: Buffer overflow exploits typically involve sending data to a service in a way that exceeds the allocated memory buffer. When not properly handled, this results in overwriting memory regions, leading to crashes or undefined behavior.
  3. Examples: One example involves exploiting a web service by crafting a payload exceeding the max length of an input field, causing the server to crash.
  4. Mitigation: Employing boundary checks and validating input lengths.

  5. API Misconfiguration:

  6. Technique: Exploiting improperly configured APIs by sending a massive number of requests or specially crafted payloads that the API wasn't designed to handle.
  7. Examples: An instance where sending an unusually high number of API requests caused resource exhaustion on the server, rendering it unresponsive.
  8. Mitigation: Implementing rate limiting and input validation at the API level.

  9. Infinite Loops and Recursion:

  10. Technique: Inducing infinite loops or deep recursion in the server-side code that can lock up CPU resources.
  11. Examples: Triggering infinite loops by exploiting poorly written conditional logic, or recursive calls that don't have a proper termination condition.
  12. Mitigation: Code review for recursive logic and conditional statements, adding ceilings to recursive depth and execution time.

  13. Regular Expression (ReDoS):

  14. Technique: Crafting malicious inputs that cause the regular expression engine to consume excessive CPU by backtracking more than expected.
  15. Examples: Using a payload with nested quantifiers causing the regex engine to enter exponential processing time.
  16. Mitigation: Using more efficient regular expressions and limiting the input length processed by the regular expression engine.

  17. XML External Entity (XXE):

  18. Technique: Injecting XML that employs external entity references that, when processed by the server, can lead to excessive external entity processing or resource retrieval.
  19. Examples: Crafting payloads in XML that cause excessive entity expansion leading to memory exhaustion and crashes.
  20. Mitigation: Disabling external entity processing in XML parsers and using less powerful parsing libraries.

Detailed Examples from the Writeup:

  1. Server-Side Parsing Vulnerabilities:
  2. Detailed Example:

    • Report: A vulnerability found in GitLab, where a crafted Markdown file led to excessive CPU usage.
    • Technique: Leveraging complex document formats or markup to exploit the parser’s weaknesses.
    • Impact: This led to a temporary but severe denial of service as the server attempted to parse the malicious input.
    • Mitigation: Improving the efficiency of the parsing logic and implementing rate limiting for document processing tasks.
  3. Resource-Intensive Endpoints:

  4. Detailed Example:

    • Report: In a Microsoft Azure service, certain API calls could be abused to instantiate expensive services repeatedly.
    • Technique: Hammering endpoints that trigger costly operations or use a lot of system resources.
    • Impact: Such activities deplete the available resources, leading to disruptions for legitimate users.
    • Mitigation: Rate limiting, resource usage monitoring, and endpoint protection to prevent abuse.
  5. Bandwidth Overload:

  6. Detailed Example:
    • Report: Abuse of large file uploads in Dropbox leading to DoS.
    • Technique: Submitting large payloads that consume network bandwidth and server storage.
    • Impact: Saturation of the network and storage systems, preventing normal operations.
    • Mitigation: Implementing file size restrictions and throttling upload speeds.

General Takeaways and Mitigation Strategies:


The aggregated reports emphasize the diverse and often sophisticated methods used to trigger DoS conditions. By understanding these examples, developers and security professionals can better prepare their systems to handle unexpected and malicious input, safeguarding against service disruptions.

For full details and list of reports, refer to the original Medium article here.